Attracting in Abundance

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Attracting in Abundance

Attracting in Abundance
Opening the Divine Gates to Inviting in Blessings

and Prosperity Through Body, Mind, and Soul Spirit 

When you hear the word abundance, you may equate it to being blessed with a plentiful overflowing amount of money that equates to a big lottery win.   Having enough money to survive comfortably enough on this physical plane is part of obtaining abundance, but it's not the destination and purpose to thrive for.  You could work hard to make enough money to the point you are set for life, but that won't necessarily equate to happiness.   Achieving a content state of joy and serenity starts with fine tuning your soul, inner world, and overall well-being.  When that's in place, then the rest will follow.       

Attracting in Abundance combines practical and spirit wisdom surrounding the nature of abundance.  This is something that most everyone can get on board with because all human beings desire physical comforts, blessings, and prosperity, regardless of their personal values and belief systems.

Attracting in Abundance is broken up into three parts to help move you towards inviting abundance into your life on all levels.  "Part One" contains some no-nonsense lectures surrounding the philosophies, concepts, and debates on the laws of attracting in abundance.  "Part Two" is the largest of the sections geared towards fine tuning your soul into preparing for abundance.   "Part Three" is the final lesson in the abundance curriculum to assist in opening the gates of abundance with various helpful tidbits, guidance, and messages, as well as the blocks that can prevent abundance from flowing in.