Living for the Weekend

Living for the Weekend

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Living for the Weekend

The Winding Road Towards Balancing Career Work and Spiritual Life

Living for the Weekend examines the pitfalls, struggles, challenges, as well as the benefits of the current modern day work set up.   This is also interwoven with non-denominational spiritual and practical tips, guidance, messages, and discussions on ways to incorporate more balance and enlightenment to the demands of a cutthroat material driven world.   The content benefits both employers and employees who have interest in improving their well-being and success as individuals, which carries over to the success of one's business.

Author Kevin Hunter, has been in the work force for over three decades studying, researching, and gaining endless experience in the modern day work world.  He understands what others struggle and go through to survive in jobs that are not always fulfilling, while trying to balance that with a healthy personal life.  Having a healthy fun personal life equates to a fulfilling spiritual life, regardless of your personal interests and beliefs.   His practical knowledge is also entwined with spiritual related wisdom from the Divine to help you get inspired, motivated, and empowered to accomplish your life purpose goals.