Empowering Spirit Wisdom
A Warrior of Light's Guide on Love, Career and the Spirit World

In Empowering Spirit Wisdom, Kevin Hunter relays heavenly guided messages for everyday life concerns.  As a soul living a physical life, you require basic necessities to function and live a more prosperous life.  The things that tend to consume most people on a regular basis are relationships, health, home, and career.  Two of the biggest topics people tend to ask about most are matters related to love and work.  Everyone wants to be happy at their job and/or they want a successful partnership with a loving soul mate.  It’s not enough to be connected spiritually, but you also have practical desires in order to function more efficiently on Earth.  

Some of the topics covered in Empowering Spirit Wisdom are guidance and discussions surrounding your own soul, spirit, and the power of the light, the more realistic side of the laws of attraction, finding meaningful work, transforming your professional and personal life, attracting in love, navigating through the various stages of dating and love relationships, as well as other practical affirmations and messages from the Archangels.  Author Kevin Hunter, passes on the sensible wisdom from his  Spirit team in this Light filled inspirational book. 

Empowering Spirit Wisdom

Empowering Spirit Wisdom

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